The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File
401 lines
Protected Cell
A cell is protected, andandd
Worksheet protection has been
enabled. If you want to
modify or erase this cell,
then you must turn Worksheet
protection off or unprotectt
the cell. the cell.
Out of Memoryl
There is no more memory left
to store your data in. If you
/File Link command will allow
You can break your data into
smaller Worksheets, and then
use the /File Link command to
link them together.
Can't Shell To DOS
There is not enough memoryft
available to shell to DOS,en
or InstaCalc cannot finds ast
COMMAND.COM to perform the
shell.ory. You can use the
/File Files command to find
the file you want..
Too Many Fields
The range you defined has more
columns (fields) than dBasee
can support. dBase II canust
support 32 fields, and dBase
III can support 128 fields.n
delete some unwanted filesd
on your disk to make room.
Help File Not Found
InstaCalc cannot find its help
file (INSTA.HLP) in theheuse
system directory.room. Youst
can either use a new disk to
put your data on, or you can
delete some unwanted filesd
on your disk to make room.
Invalid Filet Found
InstaCalc encountered annknown
unknown record trying to read
the file. This usually means
the file has been corrupted.
put your data on, or you can
delete some unwanted filesd
on your disk to make room.
Macro File Not Found
A file was not found whichlp
matches the macro key whiche
you pressed, or the nameYoust
which you provided.w disk to
put your data on, or you can
delete some unwanted filesd
on your disk to make room.
Unknown Commandomman
An unknown command washichlp
encountered in the currenthe
running macro.r the nameYoust
which you provided.w disk to
put your data on, or you can
delete some unwanted filesd
Not Pop Up Modeoundn
You must run InstaCalc as ae
pop up program to use the Cut
and Paste feature.ands), butas
ProQube was unable to find the
file requested. You may need
to supply the full pathname of
the helpfile. TO EDIT MACRO
Label Not Foundoundn
A #GOTO or #CALL statementEM
tried to branch to a labelto a
which doesn't exist.exist.ust
which you provided.w disk to
put your data on, or you can
delete some unwanted filesd
Invalid X,Y In Macro
The x,y screen coordinatesde
provided in a macro commande
is out of range. The X.Youst
coordinate should be in theo
range 1 to 80 and Y shouldan
be in the range 1 to 25.esd
Invalid #INC or #DEC
Only cells of type NUMBER can
be modified with the #INC or
#DEC commands. A blank cellt
must be set to a NUMBER cell
first by directly entering a
number or using #ASSIGN.esd
File Already OpenNAT
ald;skfj;ladksfjpe NUMBER can
;alsdkjf;lkajfth the #INC or
#DEC commands. A blank cellt
must be set to a NUMBER cell
first by directly entering a
number or using #ASSIGN.esd
Bad Fill EquationATI
InstaCalc is unable to process
the Fill equation which your
entered. Check to make suret
the equation is a legal one.
first by directly entering a
number or using #ASSIGN.esd
Bad Modify EquationA
InstaCalc is unable to process
the modify equation which you
entered. Check to make suret
the equation is a legal one.
first by directly entering a
number or using #ASSIGN.esd
Graph Errorsword
An error occured when tryinged
to initialize the graphics.lid
InstaCalc cannot find the BGI
driver to match your graphics
Too Many RowsID
The WKS/WK1 file you selectedn
has more than 4096 rows. The
additional rows will bethru 5.
Invalid File Mode
An invalid file mode was used
when trying to open a file in
an application. Valid modes:
r = Open a text file to read
w = Open a text file to write
b = Open a binary file
Invalid Cell Name
A cell name must either be ar
legal cell reference, or a
named block. A legal cell
reference must have a column
letter from A - IV, and a row
number from 1 - 4096om 1 - 512
Example: BX123;456
X Range Not Defined
In order to generate an X-Y
graph, the X range must be
defined and must contain the
values to be placed along the
X axis.
Range Not Defined
InstaCalc cannot display orare
print a graph because no graph
ranges have been defined. In
the case of a Pie chart, the A
range must be defined.fined.
Too Many Titles
There were too many title rows
locked on in EGA43 mode to be
displayed in 25 row mode.
Title Locking has now beenned
turned OFF.in this face.
No Print Block
InstaCalc can't print out anyt
data because no block has been
defined. Use the /Print Block
command to select the block of
cells to print.
Invalid Margins
The selected right margin must
be larger than the selected
left margin. Use the /Print
Options menu to select a new
left or right margin.
Column Too Wide
A column in the print range is
too wide to fit in the defined
margins. Either the margins
must be adjusted, or the width
of the column must be reduced.
Can't Change Protect
It is illegal to modify block
or cell protection because the
WorkQube Protection is enabled
using a password. To modify
block or cell protection, you
must first disable WorkQube
Undefined Fieldnce
A database #command tried to
access a field which has not
been defined with #SETFIELD.
A #WINDOW command without at
least one #WINTEXT command was
encountered. Without at least
one #WINTEXT command, ProQube
InstaCalc cannot determine the
size of the window.
Can't Insert Line
A line cannot be inserted in
this file because the last
line in the file would be
Unknown I/O Error
Write Protected Disk
The disk which you are trying
to save your file to is write
protected. Either remove the
write protect tab or use a
different disk to save your
file to.
Invalid Drive Number
Drive Not Ready
The drive you are trying to
save your file to is not
ready. Make sure there is a
disk in the drive and that the
latch is closed.
Unknown Command
CRC Error
Seek Error
Unrecognized Format
Sector Not Found
Printer Out Of Paper
Your printer is out of paper.
Put some paper in your printer
and try printing your data
Write Error
Read Error
General Failure
Disk Read Error Disk
Disk Write Error
An error was encountered
trying to write the file to
disk. The most likely problem
is that there is not enough
room on the disk to write the
entire file.
Not Assigned
File Not Open
Not Open For Input
Not Open For Output
Invalid Number Forma
File Not Found
InstaCalc can not find the
file you requested. Either
the file doesn't exist, or it
is in another directory. You
can use the /File Files
command to find the file you
Path Not Found
InstaCalc cannot find the path
which you selected. If you
selected a directory from the
file manager, InstaCalc willow
scan your hard disk to update
its directory tree.
Too Many Open Files
File Access Denied
Access to this file has been
denied by DOS.
Invalid File Handle
Invalid Password
This file cannot be retrieved,
combined, or linked to because
an invalid password wass
Too Many Lines
The text file cannot be loaded
into the editor because it has
too many lines for the editor.
to support.
Graphics Erroroaded
A graphics error occurredbleph
while trying to display ort
print the chart. The specific
error is described above.ning
Driver Not Found
The graphics or printer driver
was not found in the systemour
directory. Place the ProQube
driver disk (#4 if 5 1/4", and
#2 if 3 1/2") into drive A: or
B: and press the <Enter> key.
Printer Not Ready
Your printer is not ready to
begin printing. It may be
turned off or off-line.
#CALL Error
Too many #CALL commands have
been nested. InstaCalc has a
limit of 4 nested #CALL
Illegal #RETURN
A #RETURN command was reached
with no corresponding #CALL
command to return to.to return
Missing MAC File
The file you requested with
the #RUN command was either
unavailable or did not contain
any commands.
Too Many Windows
Only 10 windows may be placed
on the screen at once using
the #BOX or #WINDOW command
with the save option equal to
Invalid Color
#SETUP tried to set the color
of an unknown item, or tried
to use an invalid color.
#SETUP item bg fgrnd foregrnd
item = 1 thru 11
bg and fg = 0 thru 15
Corrupted Cell
InstaCalc encountered a cell
which does not match any of
the known cell types. Since
the cell is apparently
corrupted, it was not saved
in memory.
Locked File
The file you tried to import
was locked with a password.
You must use the other program
to unlock the file before it
can be imported into InstaCalc
Formula Too Complex
The formula you tried to enter
was too complex for InstaCalco
to store in memory. You need
to break the formula into two
smaller formulas.
Recalc Error
InstaCalc can only recalculate
formulas which are nested less
than 7000 deep. The formulas
in this worksheet are nested
greater than this limit.
Must Be Formula Cell
The goal cell must contain a
Must Be Number Cell
The cell to change must be a
number cell. The value in
this cell will be changed to
see its effect on the goal
No Solution Found
No solution was found.
Possible reasons are:
- Exceeded maximum iterations
- Goal cell not dependant on
the changing cell
Invalid Criteria
The database criteria you
provided is invalid. Possible
- Invalid formula syntax
- Nonexistant field name
Invalid Matrix Sizes
The sizes (rows/cols) of the
input matrices you defined are
ADD - must be same size
MULT - columns in 1st matrixix
must equal rows in 2nd
DeviceList Not Found
ProQube can not find the list
of devices in the driver
directory. The files should
be called:
PQDEV.DAT - graphics card list
PQPRN.DAT - printer list
Too Many Records
The output range does not
contain enough rows to hold
all of the extracted records
which match the criteria.
You should enlarge the Query
Output range.
File Locked
The file is currently in use
by another user.
No More Fieldsnd
There are no more columns
(fields) available in the
defined database block.
Not ProQube Lite
The file you tried to retrieve
is not a ProQube Lite file. It
may be a full ProQube 3D file
which contains features not
available in ProQube Lite. or